Saturday, June 13, 2009

Erik's Graduation

Erik has been growing so much lately. We have started a couple of new stages of the growing years. First, Erik has lost his first and second tooth. This was probably a bit harder then it should of been. A little over 3 weeks before this happened (one week before Megan showed her little face) we looked into his mouth and noticed that his permanent teeth were growing in right behind the baby teeth. Although the baby teeth were loose, they weren't getting pushed up and out. Then soon after Erik was up all night with huge amounts of pain. We looked in his mouth again and you could see a huge cavity in his back molar. (#30- for all those who know, okay well I used to work at a Dental Lab.) I took Erik to (sorry to say) his first Dentist apt. ever. He was really brave. They cleaned his teeth, and then told me they really should crown the other tooth. He said that he wont get that tooth probably until he was 12 so to just pull it will probably cause more problems. So, since I was due in a week, I had them go ahead. They gave him some sedative that made him act really loopy. (he said that he never wants to feel like that... so maybe drugs will never be an issue) He hated the laughing gas, and even did it with out it. Luckily the dentist was really fast, and it was over quickly. I thought for sure that Erik would hate the dentist after that... but in fact he said later that night at dinner, that he liked him (the dentist). So, Maybe the fact that he has a cool silver tooth, and the pain is gone trumps the bad experience. As for the big teeth coming in behind the baby, well, the dentist said that it shouldn't be a problem as long as they fell out with in 2 weeks. So, Erik had the big job of wiggling them a lot. Then when they were really loose, Tony helped pull them. The first one was hard for them to get a good grip on. They worked for longer then and hour wiggling and pulling. Finally out it came, flying out of Erik's mouth... Tony then stepped on it and jumped quickly (so not to hurt it)... it got stuck to his sock and went flying... we looked everywhere... the tooth still has not been seen... Tony felt horrible for loosing "His first sons first tooth". Luckily we knew that the tooth fairy understand that things can happen, so she also takes notes when they get lost! So, with inflation he got $1 for each tooth. The permanent teeth are coming forward on there own. I am not sure if there is enough room, but it looks like it wont be as bad as I thought.

This is Erik's first school project- They researched an animal of there choice, and had to prepare an oral report, and show where they live in the shoe box. Believe it or not he told me everything that he wanted to say, and although I helped him find stuff he could use that we had around the house and helped with the glue... he did do most of it. I was very proud to see him deliver it to his teacher also. Great Job Erik! This is what he said...
Pigs are cute.
They have piglets a lot.
So, they can grow up to be happy and a family together.
Mud protects them from insects and the sun.
A snout is a nose.
One thing that they will eat is garbage.
Pigs are funny to watch.

They pig is made out of a partly blown up balloon. It made a perfect porky body, and great snout! (okay, that part was my idea.)
Here we were off to the Kindergarten Graduation!
Erik, was so distracted through the whole thing because his hat was way to tight. He was trying to be good, so he never took it off, but it was clearly driving him crazy and as soon as he had the okay, it was off.

This is pretty much what Bekah was doing through the whole thing.
This is him and the gift from Mrs. Belnap.
Here he is with Cayden. (the boy that I watched for the whole year.)
Erik and his teacher, Mrs. Belnap.
Here his on the play ground.
Here we go on to First Grade! One kid gone for the whole day... that will be bitter sweet.
Your Mom and Dad are very proud of you Erik!

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