Sunday, July 26, 2009

Expressing myself

Those of you that know me really well, probably know that I don't always make a lot of sense. Things just don't come out of my mouth the same way that I've thought them in side my head. Even while I write on my blog I realize later that it isn't really what I was trying to say. Why am I thinking about this now? Because I have said some things lately that I look back and wish I just never opened my mouth to say. On top of that too... I have noticed more and more with each pregnancy, that I am a complaining idiot while pregnant. I know that sounds harsh, but it is true. I am sure that I drive all of my close friends and family crazy while I am pregnant. (I drive myself crazy, so I know that I do... so, don't say other wise.) Then after I am pregnant I am trying to stop the complaining and start trying to fix what I have messed up. Okay, now even while I am writing this... it isn't coming out exactly how I wanted it to. My point is that I don't say or get across what I want to and I sound like a bigger idiot after each kid. I stood up a couple of weeks ago in Relief Society to share a couple of thoughts, and then my daughter started fussing in my arms... it all came out wrong and I sounded selfish instead of the selfless... which I maybe (selfish), but my point I was trying to get across wasn't. I just wish that I could share my thoughts with out feeling so dumb afterward. I just needed to get that out. Thank you all for being my friends!


Lizza said...

I have Jedi mind powers that reveal what's really in your head. No worries...

Rohm Family said...

ha the same things happen to me- baby brain.. now what was I talking about.... oh yeah did you get my email- someone intrested in work and glory- only last one bummer.
You could put them up on ebay individually?