Thursday, July 23, 2009

I hate morning glory!!!

This is my house. Yes, I would love to do many things to this flower bed. Although when the time comes, we seem to be short on the funds. So, here it is. Believe it or not this after I pulled some huge ones. My poor neighbors. This probably drives them even more crazy then me... if that is possible. Then I weeded.
Sorry to say... it is needed again. This morning glory weed is horrible. It grows way to fast! Before we laid our sod down... I went out determined to get the weeds out as much as possible. Once I got four feet down and hit a root system that was thicker then my arm... I admitted my defeat. Although I have been taught that you can use vinegar on it... after a few times that it should take care of it, or at least tame it. I did it once so far. It is a bit better in spots... I must do it again. If you want to use it... Drizzle it on the stem.

1 comment:

Lizza said...

Any kind of vinegar?